6 April 2022: First day of the new tax year 2022/23.
31 May 2022: Copies of 2021/22 P60 documents issued to employees.
6 July 2022: Copies of 2021/22 P11D documents issued to employees.
Self-assessed key tax dates
31 July 2022: Deadline for 2nd payment on account for income tax year ending 5 April 2022.
5 October 2022: Deadline to register with the HMRC if you became self-employed or started receiving income from property. You should submit a form CWF1 for self-employment or form SA1 for non-self-employed income to HMRC.
31 October 2022: Deadline for paper Self Assessment returns for 2021/22 tax year.
30 December 2022 : Deadline for online submission of Self Assessment tax returns for year ending 5 April 2022 for HMRC to collect employment or pension income tax through PAYE tax codes if less than tax codes if less than £3,000 is owed.
31 January 2023 (midnight): Deadline for online Self Assessment tax returns for 2021/22 tax year. Deadline for paying tax bill for tax year ending 5 April 2021/22. Deadline for 1st payment on account for tax year 2022/23.